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Family Tickets

Family Roller Disco Tickets 2024

Adults Skate Night

Adults Roller Disco Tickets Here 24

Burger & Skate

Burger and Skate Tickets

Adults and Teen Party Deals

Adults Party Night Deals 25


Memberships at Rollers Roller Disco Cornwall copy


Gallery Montage Christmas 2017 at Rollers Roller Rink Cornwall



Please read the safety notices in the foyer & skate hire desk.

Health & Safety Notice to Skaters

The wearing of protection is advised at this event. Rollers Roller Disco highly recommends the use of personal protective equipment during skating activity. This is available to hire free of charge at the skate hire desk. Wearing protective equipment will greatly reduce the chance of injury due to a fall / collision. Rollers Roller Disco accepts no responsibility for injury caused by a fall / collision which would have otherwise not occurred if protective equipment had been worn.


Pads and Safety helmets are available free of charge from the skate hire desk!


Persons using their own skates and equipment are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of such, all "own skates" must be shown on the door,  (no skates with plastic wheels, stoppers or protruding bolts/axles allowed on the rink) and Rollers Roller Disco cannot be held responsible for any accidents, damage or injury caused by such skates and equipment to yourself, a third party or property of Rollers Roller Disco. Please see our Guidelines and Rules for bringing your own skates.


Rollers Roller Disco reserve the right to refuse admission and to remove persons from the venue for any reason including behaviour likely to cause damage, injury, nuisance or annoyance, or for failure to comply with the reasonable requests of Rollers Roller Disco or their representatives staffing the Event. No refunds will be given.


People skating at this venue do so entirely at their own risk and Rollers Roller Disco cannot be held responsible for any accidents caused by any objects, or by actions of other skaters.


I agree to use my shoes as a deposit for hiring skates, and any protective equipment that I use. If I do not return hire skates or protective equipment, I agree that my shoes will be held until such time as I have reimbursed Rollers Roller Disco for the *missing skates or protective equipment.* Missing skates will be charged at £50.00, Helmets £20.00, Wrist guards £5.00, Elbow Pads £5.00, Knee Pads £5.00

Note, our Rules and Disclaimer Notice has been derived from the Disclaimer Notice of the generous team at Superfunk Roller Disco, who have shared their Disclaimer Notice under a Creative Commons Sharealike license.


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